Legal information

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Legal information

The service and product information provided by KBC Autolease via this website is governed by the law of Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. If you access and/or use this website from another jurisdiction, you should first check whether you are permitted to do so under local law. If not, you should refrain from further access to and/or use of this website. Use of the KBC Autolease website implies that the Visitor (hereinafter called the "User’) implicitly agrees to the following conditions of use and that he has taken note thereof. ‘Information’ as used below shall mean information in any form whatever such as texts, layouts, images, software, graphic elements or other items.

1. Use limited to personal purposes

This website is intended for personal (private) and non-commercial purposes. The User is not authorised to make any commercial use of any information whatever obtained through this website in any way or in any form whatever.

Such information may not be stored electronically (unless KBC Autolease expressly provides a facility for storing the information by means of a button permitting the data to be saved or recorded) nor may it be used for purposes other than the intended purposes.

2. KBC Autolease's liability

KBC Autolease takes particular care in creating this website. The information provided through this website comes essentially from reliable sources, but only insofar as its content can be verified.

Neither KBC Autolease nor its suppliers (hereinafter called the ‘Content Providers’) can guarantee the content nor the accuracy, completeness or suitability thereof. All information provided is supplied ‘as is’ without guarantee of any kind.

The User is warned that the information provided may be periodically amended without prior notice.

KBC Autolease and its Content Providers are not responsible for any initiative of any kind that the User may take on the basis of the information provided, nor for the content.

KBC Autolease and its Content Providers may in no event be held liable for any direct, indirect or other damage that may result from or be attributable to or connected with the use of the KBC Autolease website or the impossibility of using it.

KBC Autolease and its Content Providers cannot be held liable for any malfunctioning, errors or interruptions in the electronic publication of KBC Autolease and related information services.

3. Hyperlinks to third party sites

The KBC Autolease website contains hyperlinks to websites managed by third parties. These links are offered exclusively for the User's ease and comfort, without any liability on KBC Autolease's part. KBC Autolease is not responsible for the content, availability or existence thereof or for the use that may be made of them. The offering by KBC Autolease of hyperlinks to other websites does not mean that KBC Autolease may approve of the elements that these sites contain. Nor does the fact that KBC Autolease offers its Users the ease of hyperlinks necessarily imply any cooperation between KBC Autolease and the operators of such sites.

Nor can KBC Autolease be held liable for errors in website addresses or domain names on such a website.

4. Intellectual property rights

The User expressly recognises that the information provided is and remains the property of KBC Autolease and of the Content Providers concerned.

The texts, images and other items appearing on the KBC Autolease site or those of the Content Providers concerned are protected by copyright: reproduction, dissemination, sale, distribution, publication, adaptation, translation, processing and use thereof for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited unless prior written consent is obtained from the holder of the copyright.

The information of KBC Autolease or of its Content Providers may generally be stored and printed out only if KBC Autolease has offered an express opportunity for doing so through a button that permits data to be stored or recorded.

The storage of information from KBC Autolease or from its Content Providers in a database is not permitted (except for the automatic ‘caching’ of information by a browser).

Certain names, symbols or logos used on this website or on the websites of the Content Providers are registered trademarks (and therefore protected).

5. Protecting personal privacy

KBC Autolease respects the Personal Privacy of the users of its website. The collecting of ‘personal data’ through the KBC Autolease website and their use corresponds to the provisions and requirements made by the Act of August 2, 2002 relating to the protection of the people with regard to the data processing in personal matter.

KBC Autolease collects that information useful within the framework of its service for the customers.

KBC Autolease and the companies of the KBC Group may use the collected and processed personal data on users of its website for commercial prospecting, promotion, marketing (including direct marketing), management of its customer file, credit extension and management, public relations, activities as an intermediary or broker, and for internal purposes:

  • KBC Autolease collects personal data on registration by the User, on the User purchasing through the website or when subscribing to a commercial campaign. Personal data provided by the User during registration on the website, on making a purchase or on participating in certain campaigns may be used by KBC Autolease for the above purposes. The User can, of course, always object to such data being used for the said purposes.
  • KBC Autolease collects personal data regarding the profiling of users, traffic analysis, improvement of services offered, and the like. This list is not exhaustive.
  • Use of 'cookies': Finally, KBC Autolease uses so-called ‘cookies’. ‘Cookies’ are tiny data sets implanted on the User's hard disk to facilitate use of the website. The use of ‘cookies’ is generally accepted by web surfers. Most important websites use them. KBC Autolease uses ‘cookies’ in order, amongst other things, to avoid the User of the KBC Autolease website having to register continuously in order to obtain personalised services through his user name and password. You can largely administer the use of cookies yourself through your browser. However, KBC Autolease cannot guarantee optimum functioning of the KBC Autolease website if you prevent the use of cookies through your browser.

KBC Autolease stores these personal information during all the duration of the relations and for one duration of 30 years as from the end of these relations.

Any person who proves his identity has the right of access and of correction to information which relates to him, in accordance with the law of August 2, 2002 relating to the protection of the people with regard to the data processing in personal matter. The request for access to or a change in personal data must be addressed by post, with proof of identity, to: KBC Autolease, 89B, Rue Pafebruch, L-8308 Capellen.

Changes to and notification of processing of personal data: KBC Autolease reserves its right to adjust this privacy declaration at any time. It will, of course, advise users of its website thereof on the said website.

6. Final provision

Any dispute concerning this website is governed by Luxemburgish law and the courts of Luxembourg-city alone have jurisdiction.